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Guidance For the Year 2019:

Guidance for the year 2019_ We may feel

Guidance For the Year 2019:

We may feel as if we are limping into 2019, struggling to find our way & unable to recognize our surroundings. The unsettling events of 2018 may have us feeling like a “stranger in a strange land” and a little worse for wear. Rolling off of what 2018 started, 2019 has us aiming to right wrongs and restore a steady sense of balance and justice. Creating an environment of peace and harmony will be our strongest impulse, as these shake-ups will cause many to have a distorted sense of trepidation and good ole fear. However, even though we will be guided and protected as we travel through these occurring changes, we have to remember to center and breathe through this year.

The state of the world (& perhaps in our own personal sphere) seems to be deteriorating, becoming unrecognizable and dreary leaving us feeling disheartened & perhaps disillusioned. There’s a sense of feeling BLINDED-of not being able to see a clear way out; BLINDSIDED-of never seeing it coming & it has hit us HARD; BLIND-SIGHTED-of being ignorant to what’s been going on all this time right underneath your nose. The challenge of taking off the blindfold and seeing things for what they truly are can leave us unsettled. What we once perceived as fair or balanced was not that way after all. There will be a strong drive to right wrongs, correct misalignments & serve justice.

Situations can fall apart despite our best efforts. The Dancer appears to remind us that life sometimes does not go according to plan so instead of spiraling into depression, “dance in the rain” & rejoice in the small joys in life. Dancer encourages us to transform a stumble into a dance step allowing us to embrace the good even in the darkness of moments. Silver linings & hidden blessings are found within difficulties & miscarried plans. Life can be tough but we have to roll with the punches & have a good laugh at the absurdness of it all.  Life is just plain ridiculous at times and having a good laugh at its expense can lighten the heaviness.  Having a looser grip on expectations & floating above the fray will be crucial moving forward.

What can get in our way to having a more positive perspective is that we remain to be strictly bound & connected to these plans or expected outcomes allowing no wiggle room for any other possibility than what we prescribed in our heads. We can get caught up in the unfairness of it not being the way we wanted and so we become constricted. Stay flexible, open minded and receptive to new ideas or possibilities.  You may receive an outcome better than your original plan.

These new opportunities may trigger some anxiety, doubt & fear as they are not what we are familiar with but try to remain centered & aware of your mind spinning into fear-based thinking. Avoid creating exaggerated disaster scenarios and imagined challenges as we roll into uncharted waters for 2019. We will have to be careful not to succumb to the worrisome, suspicious, paranoid, or cynical tendencies.

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