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December 2019 Readings 

Guidance for December 29, 2019- "Every Little Thing is Gonna be Alright  "






Your head can play all kinds of games on you when you are feeling unsure about a new circumstance. Sometimes all you can see is how it will all go wrong. The anxiety we have about moving forward can create any number of imagined challenges or perceived dangers that seem viable. There’s no need to overanalyze or obsess over the small things. Look at the bigger picture here. You’ll mentally tailspin if you examine every detail. Don’t feel that you have to be immersed in the minutia and over planning for every possible scenario. It’s not life or death here. Taking small steps in the intended direction, a bit at a time, will help you feel more balanced & less overwhelmed. Getting good rest, eating well & taking breaks when necessary are steps that can restore equilibrium allowing you to make headway but keep things in a healthy perspective. Take in the scenery & enjoy the view  

What you think: Zebra

What you Feel: Mouse

What You Do.: Mountain Goat


You : Adventure

Your current path: Freedom

Your potential: Purity

Outcome: The Knight

Guidance for December 22, 2019- "In Pursuit of freedom"





You are ready to start testing boundaries and voyage into the unknown. Yielding to the powerful pull of adventure although it may involve pain or discomfort, we find the courage to leave outmoded situations that no longer serve our journey. To venture past the known and take a risk to start a new chapter of your life.  Moving from the recognized confinements of your situation to explore the possibilities that call to you. This re-found sense of inspiration has you examining where you have been facing limitation & what has been holding you back from living this given life. Realizing that despite the risk & the repercussions of choosing to be free, it is worth whatever you have to do for a chance to start living the way your spirit calls to you now. What lies ahead is an opportunity to be clear of unnecessary complications and toxic situations that have been restrictive & unhealthy. As these are cleared, you make space for newness, clarity & more favorable influences to enter. Once you have found the courage to commit to your decision, swift & confident action will be taken. It’s from this new unobstructed place that you pursue your dream with vigor & enthusiasm. 

Ask the Divine to guide you to making wise choices as you navigate your way to independence.

Guidance for December 15, 2019--“Time to Switch up your Style






The way you have been going about things may need a refresh. Working with a realistic & practical method has produced solid results but things might get boring without some new vibrancy to liven things up. There are other possibilities available. Be open minded and consider them. In order to remain successful & abundant, it may be time to give the pragmatic approach a rest and introduce a new creative energy to bring something to life. All situations & projects require a fresh dose of innovation from time to time to keep it viable. All work and no play, right? Consider creating a collaboration with another who may inject fresh vitality and perhaps little humor into your project or situation. They may see things in a way you never considered before.  Just mind that they don’t take complete control over the situation, it is your idea or plan after all. With them you can share your abundant expert and practical knowledge and they can bring a fun creative spirit to the mix. A win-win.

Stop- King of Coins

Start - Queen of Wands

Continue- Empress

Guidance for December 08, 2019-“Reserve the Greatest Kindness for Yourself"






Remember to reserve some compassion & forgiveness for yourself when absolving others for their short comings. You have moved into a space where you can finally let go of pettiness or grudges acknowledging that we all are human consisting of both light & dark elements. Sometimes it’s easier to see this in others and extend understanding to them but are a bit tougher on ourselves. Forgive yourself & release any self-criticisms and know that you are doing the best that you can. Let go of any judgements or expectations you have of yourself. Realize it’s a process to face the hidden aspects of ourselves that sometime trip us up. It can be overwhelming doing inner work; to face the patterns or emotions that are not true to your mission or that are destructive. Shadow aspects live in the subconscious so you may not be aware of them however once they are, you’ll have to decide how to heal, change or transmute them. You may not be emotionally or mentally ready just yet and sometimes the best solution is to do nothing & surrender to the way things are- for now. Self-Acceptance and Self-compassion can allow space for miracles to occur & this practice can set you free. It’s a process to accept & integrate of all parts of yourself -the Light & the Shadow.

What worked well - Rhodochrosite: Acceptance

What didn’t work well- Black Obsidian: Shadow

Key learnings-  Emerald: Compassion






Goal this week is to find the time or opportunity to move into a peaceful & quiet space where you can discover your core truth, listen to inner guidance or plan next steps. However, the challenge is that you’re not being allowed to come up for air from your daily demands or get a break in your schedule. It’s easy to get completely bogged down in the familiar “I gotta do this, or I gotta do that” putting your recharging or dreaming needs on hold. A scenery change is needed to inspire new ideas, experience new sensations and create prayers. Perhaps things feel a bit stale. Freshness is called for here; breathing new life into thought patterns, beliefs, habits, wants, attitudes & routines. The present ones don’t seem to serve you any longer. A new way of being is going to be shown to you but you have to make time & space for it to enter. Vision quest is one of the more powerful cards of the deck, so the messages of the other cards have greater weight. It’s imperative right now that you reserve some peaceful & quiet time & to allow a revelation to come to you. Somehow you must enter the Silence and remove personal confusion to allow Higher guidance to drop in.  

Challenges.  Whale-Breach

How to Overcome.  Forest- Breath

Goal: Desert -Vision Quest.

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