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June 2022 Readings 

Guidance for June 26, 2022:
“Good Help is Hard to Find”

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Situation: Pleasure seekers reversed

Advice: Service reversed

Focus Area: Frivolity

Outcome:  Servant



Trusting others to uphold responsibilities or meet expectations may be a case of wishful thinking on your part. Unfortunately, there have been those who have been taking advantage of a situation as well as your good nature. Things are not getting done properly and their lackadaisical efforts are making things unnecessarily hard for yourself due to their incompetence & inattention. The “Lunatics have been running the asylum” long enough & adjustment have to be made to prevent any further damage.  While it’s evident you need help & are actively trying to seek it, be wary of where you are searching for it or who offers their help. The service in reverse suggests an enemy disguised as a friend offering false help or none whatsoever. These would be disloyal & false friends, acting with ulterior motives out of convenience, greed or their own personal interest. Your  “faithful” crew working at cross purposes to whatever you are trying to achieve undermining your efforts. It may be best to weed out any “helpers” who have overstayed their welcome for it can damage relationships in the end if things turn sour. Their lingering presence could harm you if you let them. Do not allow it. At the moment, the situation is being heavily influenced by external circumstances causing some uncertainty. Although these outside shifts & changes are out of your control, you need to embrace the situation as it is and rely on your instincts as to who will be of service to you. Question their motivations & heart. In order to discern whether or not they can be relied upon to do what is needed, look to their present behavior & past actions, that will help you decide if they are the right person you need for the job at hand. Single out those inclined to inconsistency, unreliability & vacuity. The scatterbrains are not to be taken seriously. Although it may be a challenge to find the right help & support, it’s best to wait to get assistance from a truly useful person if you are seriously looking to advance your projects. Servant in the outcome suggests a loyal dependable person giving you peace of mind will be found. One who’s respectful & can take care of all that needs to be done day in and day out; truly a positive contributor to achieving success. For the time being, you could use someone else from the rank & file who is reliable & usually eager to be of assistance when asked, even if it’s outside their scope of familiarity.

Guidance for June 19, 2022:
“Wind over Water”


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Theme/Subject: Death

Want: Woman Holding Heart

Need: Woman Holding A Coin Reversed

Action: The Gentle 57 to 60 Limitation



Things have changed, perhaps people have too. Certainly, you have and so you are enjoying a new relationship with yourself.  There’s been a transformation in your values & subsequently your relationships with others, especially in regard to a woman in your life.  A caring woman close to your heart with whom you have shared emotions or had been there for your during trying times of the heart playing the role as confidant. It seems there was a dramatic change in someone’s way of thinking, a change in values, resulting in no longer seeing eye to eye on things. Emotions ran high and now there’s a question as to whether they hold your relationship in as high regard as they once did. Not too long ago you enjoyed spending time in each other’s company but now you fear that perhaps this relationship has come to an end. There’s no need for any bolds moves of ending, just yet. Despite the apparent turning away, you would like to right this relationship. However, you need to stay true to your values and honor your own worth. It’s not about you reversing your values so that they may have a change of heart. That said, this is not the time to be heavy handed & impose your views on this person if you hope to have any influence at all or achieve a reconciliation. You may have to change your viewpoint if you cannot succeed in sharing it respectfully. This is a time when clarity and truth can pierce through veils of illusion.  A potential to reach them if you can express your heartfelt views with gentle but strong sincerity - holding fast to your principles, ethics & self-worth. But understand there’s still a chance you may still be misunderstood, unable to successfully penetrate their heart at this time. Stand back and don't try to change anyone else. Leave well enough alone and just watch what happens. In the meantime, stay committed to working on yourself, staying true to who you are now preserving your boundaries while respecting others & where they are right now. Certainly, you can keep the door open for a change of heart but if your heart & values cannot be respected, you might have to let this relationship die off and say goodbye.

Guidance for Week of June 12, 2022:

A reading for the Collective: “A Game of Snakes & Ladders”

June 12 2022.jpg

Fear: Avenoir

Current Response: Fehu Reversed

Better Response:  Perthro Reversed

Advice: Stay Connected (The Warrior)



Our past is complicated. Of course, it has had its beauty, but it also had ugly bits that fill us with regret or discomfort. However, all experiences were integral to our character & where we are at this moment. But as we leave the familiar shores of where we have been, propelled onward into the future having no vision of what we shall meet, there’s an aching to return to the past. The future, seemingly frightening & unfamiliar, can have us focusing on what we have lost wallowing in the melancholy for what will not be again. However, we must bravely realize the old path has come to an end, make peace with it & move on. If we try to relive or revive it, we will suffer. Fehu reversed indicates loss of some kind usually from wasting our resources- Instead of valuing or cherishing the good fortune we were lucky to have it’s been misused & squandered typically by our own greed, stupidity and selfishness resulting in hardship. Moving forward, we can, however, refuse to allow past mistakes to haunt our future by turning away from our excesses and abandoning stagnation in favor of much overdue change. The emergence of this new world is a rather delicate process and things can go either way at any time. In the days ahead, we will see a definitive presence of virtues and vices, some progressing while others regress.  Perthro Reversed cautions not to get attached to outcomes but yet, try to live for today. We are all responsible for our actions, good or bad. The fate of each is in their own hands. What’s done is done, and it’s does us no good to obsess about the dissatisfactions of the past. Instead, leave those memories there and turn your attention to the present psychological issues which require further exploration, (surely the “mystery within”), rather than wasting energy focusing on external circumstances. Time to rethink & courageously tackle delusion & fantasy & confront the deeper aspects that lay hidden. We would be better served by looking at our unhealthy behavior, emotional or psychological addictions, the collective degradation of our levels of mood and health as well as our loneliness. Our loneliness & disconnectedness from ourselves, each other & the Divine. We been unplugged from Source instead replacing it with hollow alternatives like money, work, clout, addictions-filling the void with empty comforts. When we pushed harder & harder to achieve or attain more & more we slipped further from Source & our divine centers. We must fight to reconnect. This may be the wakeup call we needed to get back on track & align with our real core selves & with the Divine once again. Tapping back into that central spring of otherworldly peace & calm will be important as we row on.



Guidance for week of June 5, 2022: “Saving Some Sweetness for Yourself”  

June 5 2022.jpg

Theme: North Node

Strength: Gorilla

Weakness: Snow leopard

Advice: 37 The Family 

2 cents: Gimmie Some Sugar



The North Node in your astrological chart represents the experiences you’ve come here to work on for growth, to master & get right in order to fulfill your soul’s path forward. One could say  your scripted purpose. These are the things you are supposed to be doing yet it feels like unfamiliar territory at times. In a chart, the south node would represent your strength while the North node would be something to work on. Here your strength is in your dedication to your family unit but yet it may be hard for you to prioritize your time for yourself. Gorilla states you are someone whom your family can count on to nurture the family unit, being mindful to their needs or fears and a favorite for problem-solving putting conflicts to rest.  And while it’s important to you to make time for each other, finding rejuvenation in these relationships, it’s equally important to take some time for yourself. If one’s too busy taking care of others, how can you find the needed time alone for contemplation, process & self- transformation? It’s important to remember your own needs as well so save some of that sugar for yourself. Lately, you have been heading in the right direction on this by paying attention to the knowing there’s a change to be made in regard to overextending your time attention & focus but you have been avoiding doing so. Clear communication encourages trust, and trust fosters connectivity. If you hide the truth of this, delaying the enviable, resentment will fester within harming these relationships. If you receive the impulse to be still, follow that and do not feel any guilt nor allow your family to inflict that pain upon you.  Your North Node is directing you to do what makes you feel good or what you are responsible for and let go of any other responsibility to help others to the point of overwhelm or overburden. This way you & everyone else will benefit. A family must nourish everyone but if you are not receiving your fair share, make sure you carve out time for yourself to get that.

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