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November 2019 Readings 

Guidance for November 24, 2019-“A Healing Bridge Provided”


Opportunities: Second Chakra (36)

Challenges: Healer of the ages (51)

Outcome: First Chakra (35)





Will you grab this chance to finally spark things into motion? A shot to create change & improve your ability to bring in what you need or heal past traumas? You are being presented with an exceptional opportunity to repair Sacral chakra issues surrounding relationships, intimacy & your emotional identity. These issues have gone on long enough & your ability to tolerate these misalignments is nearing its end.  They may have been there for as long as you can remember. It is been a challenge for you to resolve these difficulties but Divine intervention is answering a prayer.  If you remain open to the idea that this is a real possibility for you now, you’ll not only bring profound healing & balance to issues surrounding the 2nd Sacral chakra but also your 1st Root chakra issues- which have their origins in childhood. For example, issues of survival located in The Root set the stage for the interpersonal relationship issues of the Sacral so if there are misalignments or issues from one they will affect the other. Long nagging feelings of fear, depression, anxiety & insecurity stem from traumas to the foundational chakras of the Root & Sacral which in turn have profound effects on adult life & our ability to feel fulfilled. Healing and/or understanding of the core cause to these issues can be made now. Pay attention to what healing opportunities appear that ease your sacral & root issues. Look to ways to strengthen these centers & follow them.  


Guidance for November 17, 2019- “A Shake up in the Status Quo - a change in the weather”





This pending storm provides a new start. A portion of what was once a reliable structure in your life will be falling away creating some minor difficulty causing some emotional distress. It’s ok to be a bit concerned but don’t let fear cloud your judgement or the reality of the situation. Don’t tie yourself up in knots over it- see it for the new opportunity it presents. One way to look at it, this upheaval has released you from a situation where you may have felt stuck or limited with no hope or chance for advancement. Focus on where you have felt limited.  This can be a time of reassessment & redirection. Be observant and look at your surroundings. Help may come in the form of a teacher who can educate you on the finer details or assist in furthering a specific pursuit. Pay attention to this person, because their knowledge/advice  will lead to you making great strides in personal growth or accomplishments. You’ll gain the edge to drive over your competition pushing you to a successful outcome. This person will help you position yourself well and gain the advantage allowing you to confidently complete your objective. It’s through the insight they share with you that will allow you to successfully assert yourself & walk away in triumph proud of what you have accomplished.

Context of the situation: Storm Warning 

Where you need to focus: All tied up

Outcome: Thinking man & Chariot

Guidance for November 10, 2019- “With Friends like these, who needs enemies”






Faced with some hard choices, you have come to the realization that perhaps those whom you have surrounded yourself with are not the best for you. There are feelings of sadness & discontent that maybe they are not what you thought or needed them to be in terms of personal fulfillment.

Have you lost your identity in their company? You may have received recent proof that you couldn’t count on them being there for you when you really needed it. A dramatic event may have you questioning did you ever really know them? This has you considering what you want moving forward in terms of who you’d like in your life. The signs may have been there all along but perhaps you couldn’t see it clearly for whatever reason. They may have been fooling you or you were fooling yourself. Maybe you were distracted by the good times they offered. Regardless, the result is you can no longer deny the fact that things have changed. You feel differently now & moving forward you have to focus on the best choices for you. This new understanding may have you feeling overwhelmed since you are faced with having to make a hard choice to step away. Try to minimize the drama as you do that. Time to take personal responsibility for personal happiness & fulfillment.


Current situation: 7 of cups

Obstacle: Community 7

Advice: Tsunami (Wakeup call)

Guidance for November 3, 2019-“ Put on your brave face, honey”






Sometimes you need a reminder of how strong you can be. Of how you can call upon that inner steely strength when you’re feeling unsure of how to proceed. I doubt you are even aware that you possess such courage. It’s what keeps you centered & balanced in your core. That thing that sustains you & keeps you upright & strong. It’s what you call upon when you need a bit of bravery or need to encourage others who lean on you. You are a pillar of strength to those around you but you don’t see it. Discouraging life experiences & self-doubts have disconnected you from plugging into this source.Perhaps having you feeling a bit shattered or weak -unable to feel effective or capable of bringing into being what you have set your sights on. This holds you in fear, unworthiness or confusion. Now is the time to embark on a journey of deep self-healing. A time of initiation when your innate healing power is being activated. However, the healing starts with you. Look to rid yourself of plaguing doubts, fears, crappy mind sets-anything that is keeping you limited. Once you have set your intention of working on your core dysfunctions, look to what healing medicine comes to your awareness-in the form of healers, books, articles, -something will materialize to assist you with this purpose. Pay attention. Follow your intuition & inner guidance as you choose.

Strengths  : Tiger’s Eye (Courage)

Weaknesses : Citrine (Abundance)

Advice: Nuummite (Healer)

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