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June 2019 Readings 

June 30, 2019- “Healing the Self, Heals the ALL” 


You: 3 of Coins (R)
Your current path: Shattuckite (Teacher).. 
Your Potential: The World 29 R 

One of the most important concepts to understand in this physical life is to effectively integrate lessons learned through Earthly experience and to pass that knowledge on to others. You are being called to step into the role as teacher. To share heart wisdom with another but that can only be done if you have successfully identified, analyzed, shown gratitude & thereby integrated your emotions & experiences. To learn & heal from your own challenges & experiences however, you are not presently doing that. You may not be putting in the necessary time, effort or dedication into doing this thereby limiting your own potential. Not to mention preventing others from learning from you as to how to proceed through similar circumstances. Either you have not learned from your mistakes or are putting half-assed attempts into doing the necessary work. Are you putting off what you know you have to do because you may feel this is beyond what you think you deserve or are able to accomplish? What you will end up with is a severely narrowed view and limited potential. Is it fear, doubt or lack of focus keeping you in a box- keeping you small? A world of possibilities ARE available if you can learn from your mistakes, be committed to doing the work & pass that beautiful knowledge on to your earthly brother or sister.


June 23, 2019-“What was here is no longer; there’s now something else” 

You are riding into the sunset with this situation. Nothing grows without death and from the ashes something else is born and this requires you to stand up & be present. Let them know you are a force to be reckoned with. Set firm boundaries, stand your ground, be clear & don’t apologize for asking for what you want. You’ll not get anything unless you ask for it in no uncertain terms. Express your truth from a place of power. Adopt the traits of a true warrior - one who operates from a place of strength, truth & dignity. Work from a place of logic and heart- not wayward or erratic emotions- but a masterful place. Use your head moving forward-you’ll need it for building this new reality. Actions based on self-control wisdom & strength will have you masterfully creating a reality better than the one gone by. 

Situation: Death (Change) 
Action: Polar Bear
Outcome: The thinking man/Master clarifier

June 16, 2019-“Nobody Loves You Like Your Momma Loves You, but who’s loving your Mama?”


Context of the situation: Queen of Pentacles
What I feel? 6 of Swords
What I do? Page of Cups

You are so good at taking care of everyone & everything- but who’s taking care of you? Making sure everyone’s needs are tended to with loving efficiency can feel like a burden after a while. You are on call 24/7 and you can be counted on all the time but that’s the problem. You need a break and would like nothing more than to get away for a bit. Mentally take a break from having to manage everything & everyone. It can be too much at times and all you desire is a little peace & calm. Is it too much to ask for time to regroup & collect your thoughts and recharge? Heck no. “Mom” yourself for a change. Listen to your instincts when you need a time out. Take advantage of an invitation that offers a bit of welcomed fun. A perfectly timed & spontaneous opportunity to get dressed up - maybe take in a show, listen to a band & have a cocktail. Look for a chance to act like a kid again- careless, free & loose.  Shelve those responsibilities for a bit. You need time to rejuvenate. Let others tend to their own needs (which they are quite capable of doing) while you take a well-deserved break. It’s not being overindulgent but necessary.

June 9, 2019- “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” 


Current Situation-The Protester

Obstacle: Volcano (Volatility)

Advice: Pink Tourmaline (Forgiveness)

An injustice has been made and you are sure speaking up about it however your resentment & anger are preventing you from moving forward. You may hate the fact that your world may not look the same anymore. It wasn’t fair or right but you can’t stay mad forever. Resentment and anger are equally toxic and the destroy the mind, body and spirit. They also poison everything it touches-relationships, intentions, motivation, hopes & dreams. Stay in control of explosive reactions & outbursts. Temper your urge to explode over the wrongs done to you. Your hotheadedness will only make a bad situation worse. Don’t cling to the way things were. It is what it is. Stay flexible & be willing to make adjustments quickly. Hanging on too tightly to what “should have been” will not serve you nor will it allow the space for something better to come in. Finding the strength to truly forgive the human frailty of another will require you to release blame & guilt including your own.  Lessons can be learned and joy can still be attained even if you don’t find justice. Welcome the freedom in forgiveness and the wisdom of surrender to set yourself free.


Added note: 

Working with energy of pink tourmaline can help promote feelings of joy & enthusiasm for life by releasing destructive tendencies.


Window pane- You are looking at this from your perspective and like a view from a window, the scenery can change with the seasons. Time, other people, new situations will alter your POV. Even a dirty window will distort what you see. Give the situation some time & keep your filter clean.

June 2, 2019- “What’s yours is yours, what’s mine is mine”


What can you change? Hematite (Grounding )

What you can’t change? Lapis Lazuli (Past Life)

What you may not be aware of? Black Tourmaline (Protection) 

Creating a buffer between your harmony & taxing people/situations is highlighted this week. Preserving your peace, clarity of mind & sense of well-being from the unreasonable draining demands of others will be crucial. You may not be completely aware of how vulnerable you have been to unwanted energies (expectations, thoughts, wills of others) in your environment. They are not in alignment with your energy. And so it wears you down playing havoc on your quality of life leaving you feeling scattered, uncertain and wrung-out. You have the ability to reinforce your personal & energetic boundaries & to disallow others from encroaching upon your peace.  If that has been done in the past, there’s no need to continue enabling that behavior. Moving forward, you can lovingly disengage, say no when you need to, walk away & practice some self-care. Ask yourself is this my responsibility? You can’t fix it if you don’t own it.  All you have is the now- so be there.  You can’t change the past & the future is dependent on how you play out today. So let’s stay in the today- concentrating on the things you have a direct influence on free of interference (earthy & otherwise) that could sap your vitality. Do what you need to stay square & centered.  Determined to stay clear in your thoughts in order to problem solve what you have on your plate today. Strictly your stuff. Remember-  You don’t have to take on someone else’s stuff to be seen as a caring person.

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