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October 2019 Readings 


Guidance for October 27, 2019- “Coming up with your own solutions"





Following the fatherly advice of someone who tells you what you NEED to hear rather than what you WANT to hear will help you now. They not only provide necessary emotional support to guide you towards the best path to take but the reason why you must travel it as well.  This is because they have genuine concerns about your well-being and want to see you succeed in life. There’s almost a sense of duty to help you be a person of integrity. One who can effectively deal with whatever life throws their way.  Some of life’s lessons can be more palatable when delivered by a wise, loving elder who holds you very dear. A dose of tough love if needed to help you to understand where you went off course so as to not make the same mistakes again. However, this situation is unique to you and there’s no plan book. It’s not possible to navigate this process following step by step instructions prepared by someone else. They will not be applicable here & will hinder your process. You must find your own way. You can only be taught the WHY but not the HOW-the how you’ll have to find on your own. This will empower you to solve what you thought you could not. You can get advice & support but ultimately you’ll have to find the applicable  solution to your particular situation & discover how successful it will be. There’s no one size fits all approach here. A tailored solution can be found but you have to be willing to accept the cost to get it. You’ll find you are willing to pay the price to find it the answer. The price may be mean doing your own research, foot work, investing time & attention, taking additional schooling, or making sacrifices. You will draft & follow what it takes to solve your own dilemma.

What will help you? The Father.

What will hinder you? The Guru

What is your unrealized potential? The Fixer  


Guidance for October 20, 2019- “Try a Little Tenderness”





RELATIONSHIP SPREAD: You may be entering into a new phase of your relationship -recently married, new parents, empty nesters, or any point in the lifecycle of a relationship that marks a new beginning. Now holds a promise to start over. A mutual movement from darkness to light once again combined with a focused intention that there will be fulfillment & promises kept. Perhaps, this is a resurrection of what had been previously shelved. A potential for renewal which involves the building of a framework for the future- one you’d like to manifest. As you both consider the future you are weaving, you understand that it will require patience & nurturing to realize or birth this new start. It will also take action. What pulls you apart is the laziness that has snuck into your relationship leaving you feeling unmotivated or preoccupied in your own interests and not engaging your partner. Caught in a pattern of indifference and routine, passion once fresh and alive has wilted. It will take effort to breathe life into this established rut of predictability & staleness. What’s needed is some serious couple time before it’s too late to revive. Engaging in loving physical contact, demonstrations of affection, and intentional acts of kindness can show your partner you care & do not take them for granted. It takes effort to maintain a connection but you have the ability to preserve it by supplying it with what a vibrant healthy relationship needs: affection, novelty & engagement. Time to spice it up.

What brings you together? New moon (promise) Gaia (nurturing)

What pulls you apart?  4 of cups

What needs your attention? 49 Angel Of Love





Being deeply committed to your ideals is wonderful but you have to follow up your passion & intuition with determination, motivation & application. No use victory dancing before the victory. You may have to carry this to the finish line alone since collaborations with others may have you losing your focus, missing opportunities, or losing interest altogether. Sharing your thoughts or passion with others may have you feeling less than enthused to continue on what your heart had set out to do. Don’t let the opinions or feelings of others deter or sidetrack you from a dream you hold.

Make sure your vision is realistic or you may feel so overwhelmed that there’s a desire to escape or hope that things will just work out by magic. You might succumb to the urge to flee a stressful situation by partying, socializing or indulging in any other kind of detraction that ultimately saps you of the energy needed to stay committed. Celebrating a bit too much too early can cost you the fire & motivation needed to complete what you have set off to do. Staying true to your empathic heart, avoiding distraction and maintaining consistency will help you show up where you are most needed.

If looking to play the role of peacemaker amongst your mates, your efforts may be met with resistance, frustration or complete lack of interest. Try again another time.

Guidance for October 13, 2019- “You have the dream, don’t lose your steam”

You. Knight of cups

Your current path 3 of cups

Your potential.  8 of wands reversed.


What you can change: Kiwi  

What you can’t change: Dog  

What you may not be aware of: Ladybug





Your whole existence is a reflection of your beliefs so being mindful & aware is the key to manifesting. Kiwi reminds us to walk with awareness & intention. Pay more mind to what you love, what you value, what you want to bring into your life- even if it looks different from what others want. Stay true to yourself. Is what’s holding your attention in your best interest or does it further someone else’s plan? Others will have their own agenda – you can’t change that so go your own way. They will hold a loyalty to something or someone else and may not be the mouthpiece for your vison. Others feel safer letting others lead and follow blindly without giving thought to what they truly want for themselves.  Learn to recognize this and know that you do not have to adopt this way of thinking. Your thoughts will be manifesting quicker now so be particularly mindful of what you are thinking about. Ladybug appears here to say everything will run smoothly with little effort on your part however be aware of thoughts or beliefs such as unworthiness or disbelief that could prevent, interfere or push away what you are trying to bring in. Energetically work from a place of thankfulness as if what you asked for has already been received. This creates the energy signature of gratitude which in turn will attract more to be thankful for. Be open to what comes even if it does not match your expectations exactly however always use your discernment. When asking, don’t push too hard, let things flow at their natural pace while remaining willing to receive.

Guidance for October 6, 2019- “You can go your own way”

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